Saturday, December 9, 2006

Multimedia Resources
for Educators & Librarians

Forman, Milos, dir. The People vs. Larry Flynt. Columbia, 1996. DVD. Sony, 2004.

For an older youth or young adult audience. Film starring Courtney Love and Woody Harrelson in this historically-based portrayal of adult-magazine producer Larry Flynt’s legal battles with the Religious Right. Few films allow an approachable glimpse into the protocols of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Truffaut, Francois, dir. Fahrenheit 451. Vinyard Films, 1966. DVD. Universal, 2003.

Superb representation of Ray Bradbury’s classic novel starring Julie Christie and Oskar Werner.

Winkler, Irwin, dir. Guilty By Suspicion. Warner, 1991. DVD. Warner, 2004.

Fictional approach to how 1950s McCarthyism and legal proceedings of the House Committee on Un-American Activities destroyed families and careers of Hollywood executives, writers, and actors.

Irons, Peter. May It Please the Court: Courts, Kids, and the Constitution. Live Recordings and Transcripts of Sixteen Supreme Court Oral Arguments on the Constitutional Rights of Students and Teachers. Book and Audio Tapes. New Press, 2000.

Highly useful resource to teach young scholars about court proceedings and crucial First Amendment precedent cases. Includes Tinker v. Des Moines, Island Trees BOE v. Pico, Bethel v. Fraser, and Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier.

Kagan, Jeremy, dir. The ACLU Freedom Files. DVD. Disinformation, 2006.

Short explanatory documentaries on such topics as youth speak, the Patriot Act, and dissent in American society, as well as other aspects of civil liberty. Combo of media styles to maintain interest and intellect of a high school audience.

National Coalition of Teachers of English. Rationales for Challenged Books. CD Rom. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1993.

Extensive computer collection of rationales for books challenged in schools and libraries. Conveniently housed in electronic format this resource is an invaluable resource for book selection, curriculum development, and book defenses in the face of a challenge. A typical rationale provides references to reviews, plot summary, redeeming qualities, teaching objectives, methods, and assignments.

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